Wabash Center Forms

  • W-9 (pdf)
    When accepted into a Wabash Center program or event that includes a honorarium, US citizens will need to fill out a W-9 for tax purposes.
  • Foreign National Information form (pdf) 
    All citizens of other countries must complete this form.
  • Travel Reimbursement Form (pdf)
    Use this form to submit receipts for reimbursement for travel to and from Wabash Center events.
  • Missing Receipt Form (pdf)
    Use this form when you didn’t receive a receipt or have lost it. This includes small amounts for tips, etc.
  • Map of Wabash College Campus (pdf)
    This map depicts the Wabash College campus, including the location of the guest housing in Trippet Hall and how to walk from there to the Wabash Center, the athletic facilities, the library, the bookstore, etc.