

Race Matters in the Classroom

Race as Subject and Racial Subjectivities

Steed V. Davidson
Associate Professor of Old Testament
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and Church Divinity School of the Pacific

Each night I watch Jeopardy. Occasionally I am thrilled when Tobago or Trinidad features in a clue. This thrill comes from knowing that the island where I grew up (area of 116 square miles) has found its way into the knowledge required of Jeopardy contestants. I take this small thrill, and I am painfully aware of how small it is, because for most of my life I have been told that the intellectual knowledge that matters consists of material outside of..

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Race Matters in the Classroom

It’s a Matrix

emilie m. townes
Dean and E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Professor of Womanist Ethics and Society
Vanderbilt Divinity School The opening paragraph of the Vanderbilt University Statement of Commitments: The Divinity School is committed to the faith that brought the church into being, and it believes that one comes more authentically to grasp that faith by a critical and open examination of the Hebraic and Christian traditions. It understands this faith to have import for the common life of men and women in the world. Thus the school is committed to assisting its community in achieving a critical and.

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